Tuesday 30 August 2016

Aquarium Timelapse with the Excelvan Q8 4K UHD Action Cam

What do fish really get up to when you are not around? This short timelapse of some bristlenose plecos shines some light on the subject.

Sample timelapse footage taken with the Excelvan Q8 4K UHD action camera. 

Background music Tuba Waddle by Audionautix; from the YouTube audio library. http://www.audionautix.com

Swirling mist and clouds at twilight

A time-lapse study of mist and clouds at twilight, filmed in Great Torrington, North Devon, England.  The swirling mist is very eerie and allows the viewer a glimpse into another world, one which exists in a much slower time frame.

As I experiment with time lapse photography, I begin to see nature at a different, much slower speed. Mist and clouds have a completely different life if you slow down your perception. At 30x speed, mist and cloud move like creatures, they swirl, grow and dart from pace to place, they move like giant waves and seem to have their own societies and will. This is not seen at normal speed, as they are moving too slowly. We see them as static forms, devoid of movement, but in a time-lapse film they come to life.

I can see that my own life has a deeper flow at this and even slower speeds. There is the industrious 30Hz Beta brainwave frequency, in which we spend most of our waking life, and the delta frequency of around 1Hz which is present during deep sleep. The difference in frequency is the same magnitude as the difference between our waking perception of static clouds and the time-lapse speed where the clouds and mist come to life.

You cannot turn a supertanker on a dime. Life is like this, we may make changes at 'normal speed' but only see the context of our life at the slower speed. We become impatient for change because we expect everything to happen at the Beta frequency. Our life comes into focus in months and years and only then does the overall pattern become apparent. For me this is the pattern of meditation, peace and subtle communion with the elements. To be at one with this level of being I need to slow down, moving from staccato to stillness.

Monday 29 August 2016

Moonrise - Full Hay Moon over the English Countryside (HD and Timelapse)

A haunting moonrise over Torrington on 20th July 2016. This short film features real time and timelapse footage of the Full Moon rising over Torrington, Devon. This moon is known as the Hay Moon, Thunder Moon and the Buck Moon.

Background music Mature Sounds by Jingle Punks, from the YouTube audio library. Wide angle shot, Excelvan Q8 action cam, 5 second delay timelapse. Zoom shot, Lumix FZ45 video.

Friday 26 August 2016

A cloud timelapse color study

This is one for all you cloudspotters out there.  A timelapse film taken at twilight in Great Torrington, Devon.  It starts with a color study of clouds and an arching rainbow and ends with the moonrise of the August 2014 supermoon. 

Thursday 25 August 2016

Tutorials & Videos with the Excelvan Q8 4K Ultra HD Action Cam - YouTube Playlist

Excelvan Q8 action camera tutorials, including timelapse, slow motion, camera mounts and fresh ideas, along with a range of videos made with some Q8 footage.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Excelvan Q8 Action Cam User Guide, Review and Sample Footage

A review and quick start guide for the Excelvan Q8 4K Ultra HD action camera.  Includes video resolution and video mode, time lapse mode, digital zoom, still image modes (timed, Auto, Drama Shoot), and slow motion mode 1080p 60fps and 720p 120fps.  Also includes some sample videos and stills, including audio recorded with the Q8 and simultaneously with a Lumix FZ45. 

Good Points
Excellent value for money
Highly portable, light and uses standard Go Pro fixings
Large array of features, timelapse and slo mo are particularly useful.
Image quality reasonable at 1080p / 8MP and below
Stable and reliable, not prone to crashing.
Packaged with many different mounts and a waterproof case.

Bad points
Zoom is practically useless
Sound quality is very poor
Still images above 8MP are poor
Image poor in low light, particularly slo mo

An excellent way to experiment with an action cam if you are on a budget, has an array of useful features and reasonable quality up to 1080p / 8MP.  Performs best in good lighting and can produce some amazing time lapses.  

4K on YouTube and Vimeo
I have tried to upload 4K footage to YouTube and Vimeo and only get 1440p (2K) maximum resolution.  This may be a problem at my end and not the Q8, but is worth mentioning.  At the moment I cannot edit 4K video.

Monday 22 August 2016

The Excelvan Q8 4K UHD Action Camera Digital Zoom Feature Review

The Excelvan Q8 4K UHD Action Camera has a Digital Zoom Feature.  The zoom is good for getting rid of fish eye distortion, but at higher magnification lacks definition.  It can easily be accessed by using the up and down buttons on the side of the Q8 when in one of the recording modes.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Fairies and Dragons in Golitha Falls, Bodmin Moor, Cornwall

On Halloween (31st October 2004) I was out for a walk with my partner on Bodmin Moor to celebrate the pagan festival of Samhain. It was just after 4pm, not long before sunset, when I took some pictures of Golitha Falls, an enchanted waterfall in the wilds of haunted Cornwall. To my amazement I had caught a water dragon and a water fairy (or water sprite). On closer examination I had captured the apparition of a group of faeries, or perhaps Cornish pixies. The main fairy appears to have well defined wings and a face, with other supernatural beings dancing around. These faerie beings appear to be nymph like, just like those described in English folklore. All the wee folk were formed using the water in the river and flitted in and out of existence beyond normal perception. It was only after looking at the stills that I discovered the presence of these magical beings. All five frames in the video were taken within the same minute (4:12pm). To me these images are proof of the paranormal and a hidden world beyond our perception. Take a look and see what you think.

Friday 19 August 2016

Aircraft Contrail on Cloud Timelapse

A cloud timelapse filmed with an Excelvan Q8 4K UHD action camera.  Look out for the airplane contrail at 14 seconds, it appears at the top near the middle.

Strange Clouds - What do you see?

Pareidolia- A psychological phenomenon where you see familiar shapes in random patterns, such as clouds. Also forms the basis of the Rorschach inkblot test, which uses a random pattern to gain insight into mental states. What do you see in these clouds? Faces, angels, letters?

Thursday 18 August 2016

How to create a timelapse film with the Excelvan Q8

This is a video tutorial for creating timelapse films with an Excelvan Q8 action camera. Here I describe two methods:

1- Use the timelapse feature. This creates a timelapse video file in mp4 format at a maximum resolution of 4k UHD in widescreen format.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Sky Timelapse An Introduction

A short introduction to my Sky Timelapse YouTube channel.  Here you can see my cloud, sun and moon timelapse videos, find out how to make timelapses with LapseIt on your mobile, with an action camera such as the Excelvan Q8, or with a didgital SLR.

The Blog Background Photo